Principal Newsletter // October 1st, 2024

Dear Appleton Community…

A Vision for the Playground, Part 2

In last week’s message, I shared how the Appleton PTA is looking to upgrade our aging playground. I mentioned how we want to explore all possible avenues to make this dream a reality. If you know of any local businesses that might be interested in partnering with our school, we would love to hear from you. Whether through sponsorship, donations, or other forms of support, every contribution can make a significant difference.

One role we would also love to have support in is grant writer for the project. If you have experience with grant writing then we would love to talk with you. 

As always, thank you for your support and GO BOOKWORMS!

Halloween at Appleton

I know it is a little early but to help in your Halloween costume planning, here are the protocols for our Halloween celebration:

  • Parade - We will have a costume parade out on the north playground,weather permitting at 10:00 am on Thursday, Oct. 31. In case of poor weather the parade will be canceled and will not be held in the hallways. 

  • No weapons or facsimiles of weapons. This includes: all martial arts weapons, bullets, bullet casings, all guns, all bladed props (swords, knives, scythe, tridents, etc.), bows and arrows. 

  • Parents/Guardians - Parents are allowed to participate in person at the parties and the parade. Parents will be asked to sign into the parade (a sign-up table will be set up on the north playground and for parties).

In other news…

We just released the September VIDEO edition of Appleton New’s. Hear from Principal Hafey about some great stuff that has happened, or will be happening around Appleton in September. Head on over to the “Corey’s Corner” tab on our website and you’ll find the video at the top of that page, or…click HERE!

Go Bookworms!

Corey Hafey -

Principal, Appleton Elementary School

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Oct. 1-2-3 - 5th Grade Bake Sale during Lunch Recess

Oct. 4 - Good News Club begins after school

Oct. 7 - 3rd Grade at Devil’s Canyon Field trip

Oct. 9 - Last day of 1st quarter

Oct. 10 - No School for Students - Teacher Workday

Oct. 10 - 4:00-8:00pm Parent/Teacher Conferences

Oct. 11 - 8:00am-4:00pm - Parent/Teacher Conference -No School for Students

Oct. 14 - No School for Students - Conference Exchange Day

Oct. 16 - PTA Meeting in the Library, 4:10pm

Oct. 15 - Report Cards go out

Oct. 15 - Spell -a - Thon begins

Oct. 16 - 5th grade at Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Oct. 17 - Students in school Parent/Teacher Conferences 4pm-8pm

Oct. 18 - 1st grade at Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Oct. 24 - 6:00pm 2nd Grade Musical - South Gym





Principal Newsletter // October 8th


Principal Newsletter // September 24th