Principal Newsletter // October 22nd, 2024

Dear Appleton Community…

Halloween at Appleton - Help us have a great time!

Here is the information you need to know for our Halloween celebration:

  • Parade - We will have a costume parade out on the north playground,weather permitting at 10:00 am on Thursday, Oct. 31. In case of poor weather the parade will be canceled and will not be held in the hallways. 

  • No weapons or facsimiles of weapons. This includes: all martial arts weapons, bullets, bullet casings, all guns, all bladed props (swords, knives, scythe, tridents, etc.), bows and arrows. 

  • Parents/Guardians - Parents are allowed to participate in person at the parties and the parade. Parents will be asked to sign into the parade (a sign-up table will be set up on the north playground and for parties).


Appleton’s super fun Spell-A-Thon is on! 

What do donations from the Spell a Thon support?

  • Instructional Aides who help kids with reading and math.

  • A professional artist to teach our kids art lessons.

  • Technology resources.

  • Library and Bookroom books.

  • Music resources 

  • and we are saving for new playground equipment

This is a HUGE fundraiser for us! Several years ago, our PTA made the shift from doing multiple “product sales” fundraisers every year that returned 10% to 40% profit. The Spell-A-Thon returns 100% of the profits. These profits benefit your kids. This fundraiser is so different from most fundraisers in that the focus is on academics for our students, too. 

Thanks for your support!

Here are the Spell-A-Thon incentives this year:

  1. All participating students will receive a special treat from the PTA for a great community effort.

  2. Students who spell their words 100% correctly (not including Bonus Words) will have their name displayed on the Top 100% chart and receive a recognition incentive from the PTA.

  3. Classrooms with at least 75% of students earning $5 or more will receive a root beer float party.

  4. Students who earn $100 or more will get to choose one of three different toys.

  5. Students who earn $250 or more will receive a pizza party with Mr. Hafey.

  6. The class with the highest earnings will receive a party (details TBD).

  7. The student with the highest earnings will receive a trophy and recognition from the school.

Safety Concerns

Please slow down and be very watchful as you enter the parking lot in the mornings and afternoons. As we all know, kids can get excited and move away from the safety of their parents in the parking lot. Then combine that with their short little bodies and they can seemingly disappear between vehicles until suddenly they pop out right in front of you.

Please do not park in the bus loop.

Go Bookworms!

Corey Hafey -

Principal, Appleton Elementary School

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Oct. 24 - 6:00pm 2nd Grade Musical - South Gym

Oct. 31 - 10:00am Halloween Parade - Big playground

Nov. 1 - No School - Elementary Teacher Planning Day

Nov. 7 - 6:00pm 4th Grade Musical - South Gym

Nov. 12 - Food Drive Starts

Nov. 14 - 6:00pm 3rd Grade Musical - South Gym

Nov. 21 - 4:10 PTA in the library

Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Break - No School





Principal Newsletter // October 29th, 2024


Principal Newsletter // October 15th, 2024